Although online education is becoming increasingly popular, many potential online students have been deterred by the lack of reliable information that is available. In the past, it was difficult to find trustworthy information if you were interested in earning your education online because there were serious flaws in the presentation of the data. It seemed like the only information that you could find was either clearly biased and fraught with advertising stunts, or so randomly distributed that any statistics you could find made little sense and were useless as comparison tools.
Not anymore. Online Schools aims to change all that with our national directory of colleges, universities and technical schools that offer online educational options. We want to make conducting research easier for you. So over the last year, we have poured massive amounts of our time, energy and resources into creating a comprehensive database chock-full of the kind of information that prospective students are looking for. We have mined more than 6,000 school catalogs to build an full list of online learning options in the United States, with the data located all in one place for easy access and comparison. You won’t find a collection of reliable information like the one we have created, anywhere else on the web or in print.
That means you no longer have to spend countless hours on Google trying out 20 different keyword combinations and checking each link to see if it holds the key to your education. Nor do you have to ruin your eyesight poring through last year’s university catalog to check for online courses that your school offers. At Online Schools, we’re taking the work out of the treasure hunt. We’ve even done the digging for you, so if you’re ready to see what your future can offer. It’s time to start browsing.